Title Organisation Type Date
Study of pig manure digestate pre-treatment for subsequent valorisation by struvite journalpaper 2025/03/28
Possibilities of Using Liquids from Slow Pyrolysis and Hydrothermal Carbonization in Acidification of Animal Slurry journalpaper 2025/03/29
Bio-acidification and enhanced crusting as an alternative to sulphuric acid addition to slurry to mitigate ammonia and greenhouse gases emissions during short term storage journalpaper 2025/03/29
Semi-continuous mono-digestion of OFMSW and Co-digestion of OFMSW with beech sawdust: Assessment of the maximum operational total solid content journalpaper 2025/03/29
ADM1 based mathematical model of trace element complexation in anaerobic digestion processes journalpaper 2025/03/27
Impacts of timber forwarding on physical properties of forest soils in southern Finland journalpaper 2025/03/28
The value of manure - Manure as co-product in life cycle assessment journalpaper 2025/03/28
Multi-scale effects on the hydraulic behaviour of a root-permeated and compacted soil journalpaper 2025/03/28
Protected areas and prime hoverfly areas: Safe haven for hoverflies or not? journalpaper 2025/03/30
Imaging microstructure of the barley rhizosphere: particle packing and root hair influences journalpaper 2025/03/27
The power of multi-matrix monitoring in the Pan-Arctic region: plastics in water and sediment journalpaper 2025/03/29
Future monitoring of litter and microplastics in the Arctic journalpaper 2025/03/28
Modelling soil moisture – soil strength relationship of fine-grained upland forest soils journalpaper 2025/03/27
Soil disturbance by cut-to-length machinery on mid-grained soils journalpaper 2025/03/27
Detection of physical hazards in soil profiles using quantitative soil physical quality assessment in the Pannonian basin, Eastern Austria journalpaper 2025/03/28
A Field-Scale Decision Support System for Assessment and Management of Soil Functions journalpaper 2025/03/28
Performance analysis of regional AquaCrop (v6.1) biomass and surface soil moisture simulations using satellite and in situ observations journalpaper 2025/03/28
Agricultural Land Degradation in the Czech Republic document 2025/03/27
Nutrient removal effectiveness by riparian buffer zones in rural temperate watersheds: The impact of no-till crops practices journalpaper 2025/03/29
Environmental microbiome mapping as a strategy to improve quality and safety in the food industry journalpaper 2025/03/29
Monitoring litter and microplastics in Arctic mammals and bird journalpaper 2025/03/29
Fungal communities associated with almond throughout crop development: Implications for aflatoxin biocontrol management in California journalpaper 2025/03/28
Membrane and Electrochemical Based Technologies for the Decontamination of Exploitable Streams Produced by Thermochemical Processing of Contaminated Biomass journalpaper 2025/03/29
Influence of Pyrolysis Temperature on the Heavy Metal Sorption Capacity of Biochar from Poultry Manure journalpaper 2025/03/29
Horticulture and Orchards as New Markets for Manure Valorisation with Less Environmental Impacts journalpaper 2025/03/29
Sites not subject to the remediation procedure Provincia Autonoma di Trento - Agenzia Provinciale per la Protezione dell'Ambiente - Settore Autorizzazione e Controlli, Provincia Autonoma di Trento - Agenzia Provinciale per la Protezione dell'Ambiente - Settore Autorizzazione e Controlli dataset 2024/03/19
Soil Productivity Degradation in a Long-Term Eroded Olive Orchard under Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions journalpaper 2025/03/29
The Effect of Densification on Pieve di Cento Sands in Cyclic Simple Shear Tests document 2025/03/27
A poly-ε-caprolactone based biofilm carrier for nitrate removal from water journalpaper 2025/03/27
The impact of crop diversification, tillage and fertilization type on soil total microbial, fungal and bacterial abundance: A worldwide meta-analysis of agricultural sites journalpaper 2025/03/29
Biokinetics of microbial consortia using biogenic sulfur as a novel electron donor for sustainable denitrification journalpaper 2025/03/30
An Integrated Weed Management framework: A pan-European perspective journalpaper 2025/03/28
Exploring the potential of gas-phase esterification to hydrophobize the surface of micrometric cellulose particles journalpaper 2025/03/28
Elemental sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification and denitritation: microbially catalyzed sulfur hydrolysis and nitrogen conversions journalpaper 2025/03/30
A simple method for the extraction and identification of light density microplastics from soil journalpaper 2025/03/28
Electrochemical water softening as pretreatment for nitrate electro bioremediation journalpaper 2025/03/28
Electro-bioremediation of nitrate and arsenite polluted groundwater. journalpaper 2025/03/28
Impact of Periodic Polarization on Groundwater Denitrification in Bioelectrochemical Systems. journalpaper 2025/03/28
Transcriptional response of a target plant to benzoxazinoid and diterpene allelochemicals highlights commonalities in detoxification journalpaper 2025/03/29
How to measure, report and verify soil carbon change to realize the potential of soil carbon sequestration for atmospheric greenhouse gas removal journalpaper 2025/03/28
Casimicrobium huifangae gen. nov., sp. nov., a Ubiquitous “Most-Wanted” Core Bacterial Taxon from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants journalpaper 2025/03/28
An integrated assessment of nitrogen source, transformation and fate within an intensive dairy system to inform management change journalpaper 2025/03/27
Interacting Bioenergetic and Stoichiometric Controls on Microbial Growth journalpaper 2025/03/30
Recognizing Patterns: Spatial Analysis of Observed Microbial Colonization on Root Surfaces journalpaper 2025/03/28
Sensitivity analysis for an elemental sulfur-based two-step denitrification model journalpaper 2025/03/29
Comparison of simple models for total nitrogen removal from agricultural runoff in FWS wetlands journalpaper 2025/03/28
Nitric Oxide Accumulation: The Evolutionary Trigger for Phytopathogenesis journalpaper 2025/03/30
Rapid Transfer of Plant Photosynthates to Soil Bacteria via Ectomycorrhizal Hyphae and Its Interaction With Nitrogen Availability journalpaper 2025/03/30
Diversification and Management Practices in Selected European Regions. A Data Analysis of Arable Crops Production journalpaper 2025/03/30
Mitigating the Impact of Cellulose Particles on the Performance of Biopolyester-Based Composites by Gas-Phase Esterification journalpaper 2025/03/30
Showing 50 of 149 results.