15 results.
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Title Organisation Type Date
How Are Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Associations Related To Maize Growth Performance During Short-Term Cover Crop Rotation? journalpaper 2025/03/28
Behaviour Of Bentazon As Influenced By Water And Tillage Management In Rice-Growing Conditions journalpaper 2025/03/27
Exploring Variability In Methods And Data Sensitivity In Carbon Footprints Of Feed Ingredients journalpaper 2025/03/29
Long-Term Effect Of Contrasted Tillage And Crop Management On Soil Carbon Dynamics During 41 Years journalpaper 2025/03/28
Six-Year Transition From Conventional To Organic Farming: Effects On Crop Production And Soil Quality journalpaper 2025/03/29
The Cover Crop Determines The Amf Community Composition In Soil And In Roots Of Maize After A Ten-Year Continuous Crop Rotation journalpaper 2025/03/29
Productivity And Sustainability Of Rainfed Wheat-Soybean System In The North China Plain: Results From A Long-Term Experiment And Crop Modelling journalpaper 2025/03/28
Fine Root Distribution, Seasonal Pattern And Production In Four Plantations Compared With A Natural Forest In Subtropical China journalpaper 2025/03/29
A critical review of the impacts of cover crops on nitrogen leaching, net greenhouse gas balance and crop productivity journalpaper 2025/03/29
Soil [N] modulates soil C cycling in CO2-fumigated tree stands: a meta-analysis journalpaper 2025/03/27
Fine Root Dynamics In Afromontane Forest And Adjacent Land Uses In The Northwest Ethiopian Highlands journalpaper 2025/03/28
GAEZ v4 Theme 5: Actual Yields and Production - (Global - about 9 km) International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) record 2022/11/30
Suriname production 2017 (m3) dataset 2020/11/10
Suitability for rain-fed and irrigated Rice (high input) FAO-UN - AGLL (ex-FAO Land and Water Division) record 2019/11/22
Productions forestières ligneuses par régions de 2008 à 2015(Countrystat - Madagascar - National) Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Ecologie et des Forêts record 2016/06/21
Showing 15 of 15 results.